Monday, 13 February 2012

Commercial wood chimney pollution in our backyards

Hello Penshurst residents,

Recently around early to mid January 2012 council has approved a commercial wood fired pizza restaurant at 6 The Strand Penshurst NSW 2222.

I did not oppose this development initially as I was unaware of the quite significant impact that the proposed construction would have in my day to day living.

The pollution internally in my unit from the said commercial wood fired oven is intrusive in my day to day living and I am seeking to 1. have the design of the chimney changed so that it disperses pollutant higher in the atmosphere 2. change to alternate and less pollutive method of baking e.g. gas or electricity.

Richard who is the proprietor of the Pizzeria is very approachable and making efforts to limit the impacts of the effluent that invades our premises. This includes particles of soot and smoke and a lingering burning smell that pervades all living areas.

I would encourage all impacted residents to regularly call Richard (9570-2583) and in a calm manner let him know when his activities are negatively impacting you. I have spoken with Richard numerous times and phoned him direct at least 3-4 times.

Please note that this is something we may have to highlight and agitate for change over an extended period of time prior to any successful remedial action being performed as the DA was approved and implemented.

Best Regards

Purpose - sharing, connecting and collaborating

Hello all,

The purpose of this blog is a place where concerned and affected residents can collaborate, share impacts of planning decisions and together work toward improving the ability to conduct business and commerce without negatively impacting existing residents.

Best Regards