Thursday, 7 June 2012

First contact with council regards smoke

Hello everyone,

Below is my first correspondence with council albeit I incorrectly sent this through to Rockdale council. I subsequently read the council websites and they stated that the best way to resolve problems is speaking with your neighbors directly.

This has worked up to a point but the proprietor of Artichoke now has stated to me that he is free to pollute as he has council approval, and that I should not bother him and to speak direct with council if I have any problems.

I aim now to keep chipping away build a network of contacts with fellow residents, Councillors,  perhaps even legal council and see what we can do to get our clean air back.

Thank you for your consideration

Best Regards

//***** First letter to council *********//

Hello Council staff,

Recently there has opened a new wood fired Pizza shop opposite Penshurst station.

The negative impact is that smoke does not disperse well from this location and ends up in residents back yards.

This summer evening 7th Jan 2012 at 7PM smoke is wafting into my living areas and bedroom.

I have approached the owner and he is a lovely gentleman and has said he will do something about this, I understand that he has already extended the flue, I am not sure what additional measures he can take? Can this smoke be filtered or a much larger flue be built so that the smoke does not end up in our back yards.

It is just really terrible to sit in your home and be exposed to smoke while eating a meal and watching tv.

This is my first contact on the matter and I will be making additional approaches. I find this an instance of exceptionally poor planning on councils behalf.

Please advise what next steps we can take to have this problem reviewed and hopefully a good resolution to all involved. Should I canvas other residents and see if I am being hyper sensitive on this issue?

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Best Regards


  1. I like to note that when i did approach the owner of Artichoke he was very rude and I felt almost bullied for voicing my concerns for the health & wellbeing of my children.

    Yes, its not his concern because he does not live with it on a daily basis in his home.

    He was not very empathic and was not open to suggestions to making improvements.

    Good luck for his business!

    1. The last contact I had with the proprietor of Artichoke pizza was similarly cordial and indifferent to my suffering from wood fire smoke emissions in my home. This was late May early June.

      It is now one of my primary goals to get my clean air back actually our clean air back. I will work closely with all residents, council and the proprietor of Artichoke pizza to achieve this outcome.
